Bring your family, your garden tools and come to our Fall Family Garden Day & Breakfast! We invite you to join families in our Montessori Children’s House Community as we work together caring for and developing our outdoor environment for the children. Some of the projects we will be tackling include:
- Cleaning Flower Beds, Rain, Butterfly & Vegtable Gardens
- Planting bushes and bulbs
- Raking Leaves
- Spreading Mulch
This is the perfect time to work together with your child on projects and support your child’s school. Bring your own garden shears, garden gloves, rakes and wheel barrows (please label tools with your name).
This is a regularly scheduled school day.
Don’t forget to respond to the Evite that was sent as well as checking out the “what to bring” section of this invite where families can sign up for items to bring to help make the day successful.
Breakfast & Coffee will be provided
Please R.S.V.P. no later than Wednesday, October 16, 2019.
Hope to see you there!